Good news in world affairs is in short supply these days leaving optimism in a bit of a rough place. So I'd like to take the opportunity to add a few flames to the fire, as it were...
Starting locally, our new governor (or is that governator?) has unveiled his plans to save California from fiscal catastrophe. The answer, my dear Watson, is bonds. Borrow $15 billion now from investors, and pay back nearly $30 billion over the next 20 years. In more honest times, this would be called "passing the buck" to future taxpayers. In today's parlance though, I think it's supposed to be fiscal conservatism.
Meanwhile to ensure that Prop. 13 has its desired effect on the quality of education, another $160 million is slashed from (public) higher education. I mean, we wouldn't want to actually give public education the chance to prove over time, would we?
In short, Arnold's just another "compassionate conservative." He's compassionate about his wallet, and conservative about your future. How nice.
On the national front, Congress has now approved a bill which I doubt any single member has actually read all the way through (it runs to 745 pages), much less understands. I've nothing much against a prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients, but I'm not too sure yet another vague giveaway to the drug companies is the answer. Guess that depends on what the originally problem was though.
Meanwhile abroad, our pals the Brits seem rather upset. Seems that they didn't realize that being the U.S. Aircraft carrier in the North Atlantic meant getting attacked by America's foes. They needn't worry too much though. If the terrorists are attacking them, they must be on the right side, right?
Of course, in Iraq things aren't too pretty either. The "die-hard Baathists" and "rogue elements" seem pretty good at carrying a grudge, and to date have disposed of some 150+ American doughboys since president Bush announced "mission accomplished" a few months back. Looks like somebody forgot to tell them.
Perhaps of more immediate interest, the Occupation troops have been handing out cash to families of Iraqis killed by GIs. Admittedly, the payments don't always cover the cost of funeral expenses, and the famlies have to give up rights to ask for more, but that's just minor details. Other minor details include the fact that Iraqi courts can't try U.S. soldiers for killing Iraqi civlians, and the military doesn't bother, so to date, hundreds of Iraqis have died, but no soldier has yet been punished. Glad to see that America protects its own.
Just across the border meantime, there've been a lot of rumors of nucular this and nucular that. Can't quite understand what all the fuss about a nuclear Iran is. Iran has the unusual position of not having attacked any of its neighbors in the past 20 years, something nuclear powers Pakistan and Israel certainly can't boast. Have no fear though, U.S. and E.U. will straighten things out.
The other particularly troubled spot has been making news. "Peace is possible" shout the pundits. "Sharon's ready to negotiate, announces willingness to make concessions," report the media, apparently unaware that Sharon has announced preparedness for concessions on many occasions, but the concessions have so far failed to materialize (according to Haaretz, article now unavailable). Will 19th time be the charm?
Don't worry though. I'm sure next week won't be any better. Now let's hear it for the optimists in the crowd!