October 1-7 Saturday, I took the GRE in Alameda and visited the area. Normal sort of week. Classes and whatnot. Been having some knee problems, so I'm signed up for physical therapy. Hope that'll help. Lots of grad. school related things - asking for recommendations, trying to figure out where to apply, and so forth.
October 8-14 Busy, busy. Workload's ramping up. Concert on Sunday in Brentwood with the flute choir. Wound up making a tour of the bay on the way back. Rearranged my room a bit, and added some hardware, including an NSLU2 (aka slug) acting as a webserver.
October 15-21 Caught some sort of cold. Ugh. Juan Cole gave a talk at Stanford about the origins of Al-Qaeda, tracing radical Islamism from the early Muslim Brotherhood to the present. Lots of work in Arabic class lately.
October 22-28 Uneventful.