
As a break from summer research, I spent the first weekend of July down in the Pyrenees hiking (2nd trip of the year). Excessive snow in inconvenient spots scuppered my plans for an ascent of the Monte Perdido, but the weather was fabulous, and I made several exciting circuits, including a visit to Le Casque and an abortive attempt on the Breche de Tuquerouye. Gavarnie is a truly majestic area, so I'm sure I'll be going back for a third time, once my blisters finish healing anyway.

My route is shown above in green. The direction I went in follows the pink numbers (start at one, go to two, etc.).

Below is a panorama, stitched together from some 6 different photos with Canon's utility. Not strictly-speaking a photo, but interesting nonetheless. It's from Le Casque, looking west.

Send comments or questions to zdjahromi@zgmail.com (remove the letter 'z' from the address before sending).

Pages last updated: July 17, 2005

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